Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Sierra Club Opposes Governor Corbett's Plans to Lease More State Forests and State Parks for New Drilling

Friday, February 7, 2014
PA Marcellus Digest - February 5, 2014
PA Marcellus Digest - February 5, 2014
Corbett hopes to raise $75M through natural gas leases in state forests, parks
Trib Live
Timothy Puko
February 4, 2014
Gov. Tom Corbett wants to end a three-year ban on new leases for natural gas drilling beneath state forests to be able to raise $75 million, a proposal in his budget on Tuesday that angers some critics who say it endangers sensitive wilderness.
Corbett to OK gas extraction from under state land
Centre Daily Times
Mark Levy
February 4, 2014
Gov. Tom Corbett plans to issue a new executive order that would allow natural gas to be extracted from below state parks and forests only when exploration companies drill on adjacent, privately owned land, his administration saidTuesday.
Corbett's fourth budget reopens drilling issue
Citizens' Voice
Robert Swift
February 5, 2014
The state budget unveiled by Gov. Tom Corbett on Tuesday would generate new revenue by leasing more state forest and park land for gas drilling, create a new state block grant for school districts, delay the full impact of a public pension cost spike and keep state income and sales taxes at current rates while continuing the phaseout of a business tax.
The great outdoors get $245 million boost in state budget
Lancaster Online
Karen Shuey
February 4, 2014
That’s because the governor unveiled an initiative in his spending plan that will pump more than $200 million into repairing and upgrading Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests.
An Overview of the Governor's 2014-15 Budget
Governor Tom Corbett proposed a 2014-15 state General Fund budget that would spend $29.4 billion, $927 million, or 3.3%, more than the current fiscal year.
Corbett wants to lift ban on new gas drilling in state forests
Philadelphia Inquirer
Andrew Maykuth
February 5, 2014
Gov. Corbett on Tuesday proposed lifting a 2010 moratorium on leasing additional state forests for Marcellus Shale natural-gas development, to generate $75 million for state coffers.
Jobless rate falls in Pittsburgh region because some people stopped looking for work, state agency says
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Ann Belser
February 2, 2014
Unemployment in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area fell from 6.6 percent in November to 6.3 percent in December as thousands of job seekers gave up looking for work, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry reported Tuesday.
Range Resources adds $10K to Day of Giving pool
Observer Reporter
Scott Beveridge
February 4, 2014
A Marcellus Shale natural gas exploration company has become the newest sponsor of a one-day fundraiser linked to a Web-based platform allowing donors to select the Washington County charities they want to offer financial support.
Marcellus drilling company hires former Oklahoma Secretary of the Environment
Patriot News
Donald Gilliland
February 4, 2014
One of the leading companies drilling in the Marcellus Shale has named a former federal environmental prosecutor and state environmental secretary to its legal team.
PennFuture: Lifting of leasing moratorium removes protections on Pennsylvania's natural resources
February 4, 2014
he 2014-2015 budget proposed today by Governor Tom Corbett factors in $75 million in drilling revenue to be accrued via the lifting of a moratorium on further leasing of state park and forest lands for gas development.
Corbett budget proposal expands drilling in state parks and forests
State Impact
Marie cusick
February 4, 2014
Governor Corbett is seeking to overturn a Rendell-era executive order that placed a moratorium on new gas leases in state parks and forests.
President Obama Touts Shale-Fueled Growth in Manufacturing
Northcentral PA
January 30, 2014
Yesterday, President Obama traveled to the Marcellus Shale region and spoke at the U.S. Steel Irvin Plant in West Mifflin, just outside of Pittsburgh. The president touted the resurgence of manufacturing jobs in the area, which has been fueled by abundant natural gas production. Mario Langhi, President and CEO of U.S. Steel Corporation, introduced President Obama and provided some much-needed context into how the steel manufactured there is used in our daily lives.
Billions Needed To Meet Demand
Wheeling News Register
Casey Junkins
January 31, 2014
The $10 billion worth of natural gas processing infrastructure already built in the Marcellus and Utica shale region is only a fraction of what Blue Racer Midstream CEO Jack Lafield believes is needed in the coming years.
Penn Virginia Corporation Announces Closing of Sale of Eagle Ford Shale Natural Gas Midstream Assets
Wall Street Journal
February 3, 2014
Penn Virginia Corporation (NYSE:PVA) today announced that it has closed the previously announced sale of substantially all of its Eagle Ford Shale natural gas midstream assets to American Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:AMID). The gross cash proceeds of the sale were $100 million.
Elk County well to take fracking wastewater
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Don Hopey
February 2, 2014
Seneca Resources Corp. has received federal approval to operate a new drilling wastewater injection well in Elk County, and more of those deep injection wells for the disposal of Marcellus and Utica shale gas drilling wastewater are on tap for Pennsylvania.
House committee to hold hearing on gas royalty bill
The Daily Review
James Loewenstein
February 3, 2014
A committee of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives will hold a hearing this week on House Bill 1684, which is intended to address the complaints of many landowners that large deductions for post-production costs are being taken out of their royalty checks.
Communities looking into natural gas extensions
Republican Herald
John E. Usalis
February 2, 2014
The lower cost of natural gas to heat homes and commercial buildings has been creating increased interest from homeowners in the past few years, but now the challenge is dealing with the infrastructure costs of adding new distribution lines and customer connections.
Municipalities, county support ag preservation
Lebanon Daily News
John Latimer
February 1, 2014
The $42,500 pledge the Lebanon County commissioners recently made for farmland preservation came from its share of the Marcellus Shale drilling fees the state collects.
Approving the Keystone XL could be the Obama administration's biggest mistake: Michael Mann
Patriot News
February 3, 2014
I have made my position on the Keystone XL pipeline quite clear. Approving this hotly debated pipeline would send America down the wrong path. The science tells us now is the time that we should be throwing everything we have into creating a clean 21st century energy economy, not doubling down on the dirty energy that is imperiling our planet.
Dominion Announces 2013 Earnings
January 31, 2014
Dominion (NYSE: D) today announced unaudited reported earnings determined in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for the 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2013, of $1.70 billion ($2.93 per share), compared with earnings of $302 million ($0.53 per share) for the same period in 2012.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Governor Corbett’s Budget Will Sacrifice State Forests
Contact: Joanne Kilgour, Director, Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter, 717-232-0101
Harrisburg, PA – Just days after the release of a public opinion poll[1] which uncovered that more than two-thirds of Pennsylvanians oppose more drilling on state lands, Governor Corbett released his plan to do the opposite. The Governor’s 2014-2015 budget includes projected Oil and Gas Lease Fund revenue of $75 million from new leases of state forest land.